We partnered with the One World Centre and the University of Abertay to run a couple of workshops at Dundee City Council’s Food Festival on July 6th & 7th 2024. The title of the workshops was ‘Think and Try, Before you Buy – a workshop to explore Fair Trade.’ We were delighted to welcome the families and individuals who came along to hear more about what the FAIRTRADE Mark means, along with the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. We started off with the Sweet Injustice Chocolate Game to discover just how little from the price we pay for a bar of chocolate goes to the cocoa farmer, and why we need Fair Trade! By exploring the labels on a range of products, we then found out the difference Fair Trade makes in terms of better prices, improved environmental practices and the social premium which co-operatives use to help combat climate change, fund clean water and irrigation projects along with building schools and medical centres. And everyone had the chance to try some delicious Divine chocolate, along with other goodies

On 5th March 2024, Dundee celebrated exactly 20 years since declaring itself a Fairtrade City! The achievement was marked by a Civic Reception hosted by the Lord Provost in the City Chambers, where campaigners old and new came together to reminisce on Dundee’s Fairtrade journey. The Forum also organised a display in the Central Library of posters designed by children and young people from Dundee’s schools on what Fair Trade meant to them.

In August 2023, Dundee received notification that we are once again a Fairtrade Community! This is in recognition of the Forum’s achievements since we last renewed in 2020. During the intervening time, what we could do was curtailed due to the pandemic, but we did take part in lots of online activity and produced an action plan for the next three years to engage with local businesses, council staff and schools.

Having received a generous donation from the lovely folk at Coffee Conscience, we decided to spread the love and give small grants to schools and youth groups so they could hold their own events this year to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, 27th Feb to 12th March. It proved an attractive idea as we were oversubscribed, but we did manage to support events in eight schools and two youth groups across the city. Teachers, youth leaders, children and young people enthusiastically got behind the initiative to make posters, invite parents & members of the community, bake cakes, and of course, learn more about the benefits of a Fair Trade system
Some of the amazing events organised included Fairtrade tuckshops, coffee mornings for staff, a treasure hunt, a ‘Tea & Tales’ session, Fairtrade snack ‘drop-ins’, an all-day Fairtrade Café and a Pancake Breakfast which was attended by the Lord Provost! One school even managed to raise a total of £700 for a local hospice as a result of their efforts.
With support from Campus Catering, Dundee University students welcomed the return of the super-popular Fairtrade Rice & Curry event, using the fragrant Kilombero rice from Malawi and the delicious Eswatini curry sauces from Swaziland. There was even a rice pudding made with Fairtrade coconut milk and served with hibiscus jam! All products are available to buy from JTS. The event was so busy they forgot to take photos until the end, when it was clear that all the food had gone down well with the students!
The Forum was also invited to join a promotional stall at the Co-op in Barnhill on Friday 10th March. Co-op Member Pioneers created a table of Fairtrade goodies, including a hamper to win for which customers were given free raffle tickets. It was lovely to meet both staff and customers at the store to talk about the wide range of Fairtrade products on off
Well done to everyone who took part in Fairtrade Fortnight in any way, helping to spread the Fairtrade message.

We had great plans for Fairtrade Fortnight but unfortunately, due to Covid, these didn’t quite come off! But Dundee University managed to celebrate in style with their Fairtrade coffee cart, from which they gave out Fairtrade chocolate, tea and coffee (from Coffee Conscience). They also organised a free giveaway of a delicious Fairtrade rice and chickpea curry, using amazing products from JTS and the culinary skills of Campus Catering. The Top of the Tower café was selling half price Fairtrade goodies all fortnight, and DUSA Premier shop held a raffle to win a Fairtrade hoodie!

On Wed 26th February, we hosted an evening of talks to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight at Birchwood Food Emporium & Cafe. The event kicked off with a welcome from the Lord Provost, who spoke proudly of Dundee as Scotland's first Fairtrade City. We then had a fascinating talk by Billy Miller of Coffee Conscience, with good old-fashioned visual aids ably provided by his son, Lewis! Billy has seen the benefits of Fairtrade to coffee farmers first hand, and spoke passionately about his company's commitment to the Fairtrade system. Ian Alexander of Birchwood then described why his business supports Fairtrade, and how it complements good quality local produce. The event concluded with the Dundee Fair Trade AGM.
We were very fortunate on Tues 3rd March to have a visit from sugar farmers Aubrey Meki Chilenje and Nduzani Zaya, representing the Kasinthula Cane Growers' Association in Malawi. They arrived by train from Edinburgh to a beautiful sunny Dundee welcome! After a photoshoot by the V&A and the Discovery, we travelled up to Morgan Academy, where Aubrey and Nduzani delivered talks at two assemblies to the whole of S1. The young people asked some really good questions, and even learned a wee bit of Chichewa!
In March 2020 we received a certificate from the Fairtrade Foundation renewing our Fairtrade City status for Dundee for a further two years. This is in recognition of the work we've been doing to promote Fairtrade to the city's cafes, restaurants, offices, universities and schools, and our presence at events such as the Dundee Flower & Food Festival. We are always interested in working with new businesses and groups, so if you would like to know more, please get in touch,